A lot has happened since our last post. I quit my job in July, so I could be at home with Evan for a month or so before school started again. He is getting so much bigger! He is on two and a half meals a day (cereal three times and baby food 2 times). He is so smily (most of the time)! He is sitting up pretty well on his own. His side to side balance is a little off. He's not crawling yet, but he is rolling around so much that we had to put a gate up around his play area. If we sit him in front of the gate, he can grab the gate and pull himself up to standing! It's pretty impressive. When he's feeling really brave, he'll let go with one hand... He started daycare again when I started back to school last week. I think it is going pretty well. He has already caught his first cold, though. I think all three of us have it, actually. It's either that or really bad allergies. He didn't sleep well at all last week. He woke up every 2-3 hours for eight days or so. He had been sleeping through the whole night until then. We are all still trying to recover. The new house is coming along, though pretty slowly. Kenny took a week off two weeks ago to refinish the floors, and he's still working on that. He sanded and stained them. Now he is putting down the polyurethane. Once all that is done, we can finally start painting! Yay! That is what I am really looking forward to. After that, we'll start redoing the kitchen. Our goal is to have the main floor ready to go by the end of October, so that we can move in. While we are there, we can work on the basement. We got a new camera- it is kicka$$! I busted the old one the day before Kenny's sister got married. I was over at the new house taking before pictures for the blog and stepped off the bottom step in the basement into a large puddle of water that I hadn't seen. I had the camera in one hand and the baby in the other. My legs went out from under me, and the camera went flying. Evan was fine. He didn't even cry. He just kind of looked at me like, "How did we suddenly get so low?" The camera, however, was beyond repair. So now we have a Nikon D60. What a shame we had to replace the old one... :) I'll keep you posted as new things come along. Evan is growing so quickly that I'm sure I'll be posting more updates shortly.