I think you can officially tell I'm pregnant now... I feel bigger than that.
I also found out today that I can still take classes next semester. I am permitted a two week medical leave. This doesn't leave a lot of time for recovery, but I'll only be taking eight credit hours. So hopefully, that will be okay. I'll be taking off of work from the time we have the baby until the end of the semester. It doesn't make sense to work just to make enough money to pay for daycare. Kenny should be able to take some vacation time to stay with the baby while I'm at school.
I forgot to mention yesterday that the rumors about pregnant women being really forgetful is true! I am absent-minded anyways, but I have taken it to a new level. I lost four pairs of sunglasses in two weeks. Yesterday, I took Kenny's house keys out of his pocket while we were unloading groceries and proceeded to IMMEDIATELY lose them. It took a good thirty minutes for us to find them. So if you have anything important to tell me, make sure I get it in writing!
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