Well, it seems like it has been a while, but I'm finally 2/3's of the way through the pregnancy. I had my glucose tolerance test and another doctor's appointment today. The doctor said my uterus is measuring 26 cm at 26 weeks, which is right where it's supposed to be. I haven't found out the results for the GTT yet, but I'm not overly concerned. The baby is definitely getting bigger. I can feel him up in my ribs, which he seems to enjoy. Every few days or so, I feel a little crampy for short bursts. I had already guessed this, but the doctor confirmed that it's my uterus "practicing." It's a little strange to think that I'm already experiencing contractions, albeit not labor ones. The baby is viable now, too. It makes it a little more real and reassuring to know he could survive outside the womb now. It's getting harder to sleep because it's so hard to find a comfortable position. The baby likes to kick on the side of my stomach that is against the the mattress. He doesn't seem to like any pressure being placed on my abdomen. Kenny's birthday was Sunday (the 7th), and I was on my feet for awhile cooking and shopping. I was surprised at how tired and sore I was afterwards. My body isn't quite used to all of this extra weight. Thanksgiving went really well! Lots of really good food that did my body and the baby good :). I am feeling much better and am keeping myself hydrated. We scheduled childbirth classes and a tour of the maternity floor for January. The third semester is crunch time for getting prepared, so Kenny and I are busily trying to get things together. It's been a bit hairy because it is exam time for both of us, as well. In deference to Aunt Ann's request, I'm posting some pics of the belly that include Kenny and I. Hope you enjoy! The picture in the green was actually take after the picture in the red. The green just doesn't emphasize the stomach as much... As you can see, there is already a large difference between this picture and the last belly shot 3 weeks ago.

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