37 weeks

34 weeks 1 day
Hope you enjoyed the pictures! It seems like it has been a really long time since I last posted. Maybe it's just because a lot has happened in the meantime. We had our 37 week appointment on Monday. I was 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced, so I'm still progressing nicely. The doctor said she could feel he has a full head of hair! She also did a size estimate by feeling my belly and said he appears to be around 7 lbs. 14 oz. We made another trip to the doctor on Thursday because I'm paranoid... I had been cramping for about 24 hours pretty constantly, though with varying intensity. I had also noticed that the baby's movements were a lot less. I wasn't contracting and was pretty sure I wasn't in labor, but we just wanted to make sure that everything was okay. And it was. Apparently, he was just really sleepy, and I was not in labor. I took the rest of the day easy, and the cramping subsided. However, we're trying to all kinds of home remedies to help work him out. We went for a walk at the mall and at the art museum today. We had spicy Indian last night and spicy Skyline today. I'm on the verge of trying castor oil. It's my spring break this upcoming week, so if he were to arrive then, I would be able to spend an extra week at home with him before I had to start back to school. Just so the O'Briens know, I'm aiming for Dan's birthday. Sorry, Candie, but I don't know if I can hold out until the 7th... Plus, if I go too much longer, I might end up with a ten lb baby. Keep your fingers crossed.