Tuesday, February 10, 2009

35 weeks!

First, I'm writing this while I'm keeping Kenny company while he's working late. So I don't have access to the pictures I wanted to post. I'll probably get to those this weekend, but I have a new belly pic and pictures from both the Mansfield and Kentucky showers. The shower this weekend was wonderful, and we got a ton of much needed gear! So thank you very much to everyone who helped. Once we figure out where we are going to put all of it, we'll also post pictures of the nursery. It is definitely coming along, but it's kind of a mess right now while we sort through all of the gifts. But to Deb and all of the party planners and participants, thank you so much!! It was a great shower and really meant a lot to both Kenny and I. For those of you keeping track, I was officially 35 weeks on Monday, which means only 5 weeks to go! We had a doctor's appointment, and it's beginning to look like that may even be a slight overestimation. I'm already 1.5-2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. And given the family history (Mom delivered me 2 weeks early and Lynn and Dave 6 weeks early), signs are pointing to a delivery before the due date. But as we know, labor kind of happens when it wants and doesn't follow predictions. So this is all just speculation. The doctor wasn't overly concerned by this development and scheduled our next appointment for 2 weeks. This struck us as a little odd, since we are supposed to be going once a week now. But she is the expert and must have a good reason for postponing the appointment (we hope...). That's all for now. I apologize to everyone that has tried to contact me that I haven't gotten back to yet. School and work are kicking my butt, and I haven't had a whole lot of time to socialize or catch up. I'm going to slowly start trying to get a hold of everyone, but please be patient with me.

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