Thursday, January 29, 2009

Interesting note on dr's appointment

I had a doctor's appointment on monday. It was pretty standard. My fundus height is right where it should be and his heartbeat is going strong (the doctor remarked that the baby was "showing off"). The coolest part was when the doctor felt around to see which way the baby was positioned. This brought two really cool revelations. 1) He is positioned head down, which is a good thing for birth (woohoo!) and 2) she showed me how to feel where he was. So now Kenny and I can feel my belly and figure out what body parts are where. He generally hangs out on my left side and you can feel his little butt poking out. It also helped me figure out that his feet are what are constantly kicking under my ribs, and his head and hands are what are constantly putting pressure on my left hip. Sometimes it feels like he is rubbing my hip bone really hard and repetitively. I don't know if I mentioned this before but we are rotating through the obs in the practice because they want us to have a chance to see everyone since anyone of them could be on call when I go into labor. For the most part, the doctors have been great. There is one exception, and she will, of course, probably be the one we get come delivery time. I'm sure she's knowledgeable and very competent, but she's not very nice. So keep hoping she's not on call when we go in.
Our childbirth class was cancelled this week due to the horrible weather, so no new freakouts. It did push the schedule back a week. We had originally scheduled a c-section information class in mid-February, just in case, but that's been replaced by the make-up childbirth class- which will hopefully be more useful... And in addition to all of the frightening info that we learned last class, we also learned a lot about helpful laboring positions and exercises/positions we can use to expand our pelvic bones during labor or get baby to turn around in case he's coming out sunny-side up. Sunny side-up is when his face is up rather than facing back. This causes his skull to rub on the back part of the hip bones, which leads to "back labor." So childbirth class isn't just scaring me, it's teaching us useful things too. (Perhaps the most useful was when she taught the coaches how to give soothing massages.)

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