Hi everyone! Sorry for the long delay, but Evan Patrick Jones has officially arrived. He was born at 6:25 pm on March 12. He weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 3/4 in. long. He is absolutely gorgeous! To prove this I have pictures.

We are all at home now and getting used to life as a threesome (though right now, Mom's here so we are very helpful foursome). Labor was relatively quick and easy. I woke up at 4:00 am and thought my water might have broken. Being the nerds that Kenny and I are, I tested it with pH strips which came up in the appropriate range. I still wasn't convinced, so I went back to bed. I woke up again half an hour later, tested, and then woke up Kenny. Kenny tested and came back with the same result. He wanted me to call the doctor, but I wasn't convinced still. After the last "thought my water broke" incident, I wasn't too keen on going to the hospital and feeling dumb again. It was a very light trickle, and I was pretty sure it was just something else. So I promised him I would make a doctor's appointment after my morning class on Thursday. Well, when I went in at 12:45 pm , sure enough, Kenny had been right and my water had actually broken. So I got sent over to the l & d unit right away, and Kenny had to come in from work. Since the break was only a small trickle, they went ahead and broke the forebag. That sucked! It was like peeing your pants for half an hour. They put me on pitocin to get my contractions going (up until then, they had been really mild). They broke the water and started the drip around 2:30/3:00 pm. My contractions started going fast and hard- my body actually superceded the drip and started going on its own. Around 5:00 or so, just after our families arrived, I got my epidural. And then Evan arrived at 6:25 pm, after about 30 minutes of pushing. Kenny almost missed the start of it. When the doctor first checked me in the room, I was at 6 cm, so we told Kenny to go get some dinner in the meantime. Well, by the time the doctor came back, half an hour later, I was at nine and they started prepping the room. The nurse told me to go ahead and let him finish eating. Well the doctor came back 15 minutes later, and asked where my husband was because I was ready to push. So Dad had to call him and tell him to haul butt back upstairs. He literally arrived just in time. There were some very minor complications. First, he pooped in the amniotic fluid, so the NICU had to be present just in case of respiratory issues from his aspirating meconium. Then his pulse dropped to 90 (it had been around 130). That was a scary five minutes or so when they had me on oxygen and were discussing a c-section. But fortunately all the worrying was unnecessary. Turns out his cord had been wrapped around his neck, but that was fixed when he turned around. So now he is here, happy, healthy, and absolutely amazing!