I'm starting my 32nd week and 8th month now! I was at the doctor's yesterday, and everything is going well. Nothing new to report on that front. We went to IKEA and picked up a dresser and bookcase last week. Kenny got them set up quickly, so now the nursery is not so bare. We start our childbirth classes tomorrow. I guess I should have waited to post until after our first one, but I'll post something small about it sometime this weekend-probably Sunday. I know you'll all be waiting with bated breath. I start the semester at Xavier today. Kenny started last week, and things don't seem too rough for him yet. He's taking a calculus class at UC, and their exam week is, of course, the week that I'm due. I had to get a note for him from my doctor yesterday so that the teacher will work with him on the timing. I went to the salon and used the gift certificate for the prenatal massage that Kenny bought me for my birthday. It was great! I really needed it. I've been sitting a lot at work, and my lower back was really sore. We also finished unpacking everything upstairs that was left from the move. Kenny didn't let me do a lot, but I still managed to get sore and tired. The baby is active pretty much all the time now. We did notice over Christmas and New Year's that he does not like large, loud crowds. He didn't move a whole lot at any of the Christmas get-togethers or on New Years. I think the noise freaks him out. But any other time he is kicking and rolling away. Kenny started calling me "Amandatee" the other day. And not because of my physical likeness to the rather large manatee. Instead, it's because of my increased flatulence. The rumor about pregnant women and gas is true, so everyone beware!
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